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第一章 总则
第一条 为保护资源,减少环境污染,鼓励企业开展资源综合利用发电,贯彻国务院《关于进一步加强资源综合利用的意见》、国家经贸委《关于落实好综合利用发电企业优惠政策的通知》和电力工业部《关于对综合利用电厂不收取上网配套费有关问题的通知》,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称资源综合利用发电是指:利用煤矸石、煤泥、石煤、垃圾等低热值燃料和利用余热、余压、生物质能、沼气、煤层气等生产的电力或热电联产。
第三条 本办法适用于本市辖区内资源综合利用发电企业。
第四条 资源综合利用发电企业的认定,实行企业申报、现场检测、专家评审,职能部门共同审定的办法,确保认定企业的准确性和公正性。

第二章 申报范围与条件
第五条 利用煤矸石(热值不大于12550千焦/千克)、 煤泥、石煤、垃圾等低热值作燃料的发电企业。
第六条 利用余热、余压、生物质能、沼气、煤层气等资源发电,其单机容量在2.5万千瓦及其以下的小型工程。
第七条 发电企业的各种经济、技术指标应达到设计要求,其能耗指标,经法定单位检测符合国家和市的规定。
第八条 发电企业所生产的粉煤灰(渣),应实现综合利用,废水、烟气排放应达到规定标准,不得造成环境污染。

第三章 申报与审批
第九条 凡符合资源综合利用发电申报条件的企业,由企业申请,按企业隶属关系,经区(市)、县经(计)委或市级主管部门审核后,统一报送重庆市经济委员会。
第十条 重庆市经济委员会会同重庆市电力工业局,组织相关工程技术和经济专家对申报企业进行现场考核和审定。
第十一条 经审定,符合重庆市资源综合利用发电企业条件者,由重庆市经济委员会颁发《重庆市资源综合利用发电企业证书》。

第四章 管理与监督
第十二条 资源综合利用发电企业,实行年审制,并纳入重庆市能源利用监测范围,定期进行抽测。
第十三条 资源综合利用发电企业,应建立统计报表制度,定期向市报送有关经济技术统计指标。
第十四条 经认定的重庆市资源综合利用企业,按电力工业部《关于对综合利用电厂不收取上网配套费有关问题的通知》(电计[1997]731号)的规定,免交小火电上网配套费。
第十五条 经认定的重庆市资源综合利用企业,电力部门应积极做好电厂并网和购电等协议的签订,以及上网电量的核定。
第十六条 资源综合利用发电企业,可享受国家规定的有关税收和行政收费的优惠。
第十七条 凡已确认的资源综合利用发电企业,在运行中随意改变燃料种类和运行方式者,将取消重庆市资源综合利用发电企业的资格,所发电量不得上网销售,并全额追缴小火电配套费及按有关规定予以处罚。

第五章 附则
第十八条 本办法由重庆市经济委员会负责解释。
第十九条 本办法自1998年1月1日起实施。

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中国政府 阿尔巴尼亚政府


(签订日期1990年12月17日 生效日期1990年12月17日)

  第一条 中华人民共和国和阿尔巴尼亚社会主义人民共和国间在一九九一年的货物供应,按照本议定书所附的中国出口货单和阿尔巴尼亚出口货单办理。

  第二条 本议定书第一条所规定的货物供应,应根据现行有效的交货和付款共同条件和双方外贸公司所签订的合同办理。

  第三条 根据本议定书规定所供应的货物,未经售方书面同意,不得向第三国转口。

  第四条 按照本议定书所交换货物的交换条件,按离岸价格,或按到岸价格,在合同中具体确定。

  第五条 按照本议定书所交换货物的价格,按主要世界市场现行的价格水平,由两国对外贸易机构商定,以美元计算。

  第六条 为办理按本议定书交货有关的支付,在中国方面由中国银行,在阿尔巴尼亚方面由阿尔巴尼亚国家银行相互开立无息无费美元一号和二号两个清算帐户。

  第七条 本议定书第六条未包括的其他任何付款均以自由外汇支付。

  第八条 双方银行将于一九九一年六月三十日和十二月三十一日检查清算帐户的差额。

  第九条 中国银行和阿尔巴尼亚国家银行在本议定书生效后三个月内,规定有关付款的详细手续。

  第十条 对执行根据本议定书所签订的合同发生分歧时,应通过协商解决,如仍不能达成协议时,按照一九八三年十月四日在北京签订的交货和付款共同条件,由仲裁解决。

  第十一条 本议定书自签字之日起生效,有效期至一九九一年十二月三十一日止。一九九一年十二月三十一日以后,本议定书对在其有效期内签订而未执行的合同仍然有效。

    中华人民共和国政府         阿尔巴尼亚社会主义
      代   表           人民共和国政府代表
       顾懋萱               康·霍查
      (签字)              (签字)





Rules Governing the Carrying of Foreign Exchange, Precious Metalsand Payment Instruments in Convertible Currency into or out of China

(Promulgated by the State General Administration of ExchangeControl on August 10, 1981)

Important Notice: (注意事项)

当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

Rules Governing the Carrying of Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals
and Payment Instruments in Convertible Currency into or out of China
(Promulgated by the State General Administration of Exchange
Control on August 10, 1981)
Article 1
These rules are formulated for implementing the stipulations in Articles
27, 28, 29 and 30 of the "Provisional Regulations for Exchange Control of
the People's Republic of China".
Article 2
No restriction is imposed on the quantity of foreign exchange, payment
instruments in convertible Renminbi, gold, silver, platinum and other
precious metals and objects made from them which may be carried into China
by persons entering the country, but they must be declared to the Customs
at the place of entry.
Article 3
The carrying out of China of foreign exchange, payment instruments in
convertible Renminbi, gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals and
objects made from them previously brought in shall be permitted by the
Customs against the original declaration form issued at the time of entry.
Article 4
The unused portion of the Renminbi which has been converted either from
foreign exchange and payment instruments in convertible Renminbi brought
in, or from foreign exchange remitted in by persons entering the country
may be converted back into foreign exchange before their departure from
China and the Customs shall permit the taking out of China of the foreign
exchange so obtained against the exchange memo issued by the Bank of
Article 5
The carrying out of China of objects made from gold, silver, platinum and
other precious metals bought in the country shall be permitted by the
Customs against certification by the sellers within the limit as
prescribed by the state.
Article 6
The carrying out of China of foreign exchange and payment instruments in
convertible Renminbi shall be permitted by the Customs against
certification by the Bank of China. The carrying out of China of drafts,
traveller's cheques and traveller's letters of credit in foreign currency,
and Renminbi bank-note and passbook custodian certificates issued or sold
by the Bank of China shall be permitted by the Customs after examination,
and no certification by the Bank of China is required.

Article 7
Chinese, or foreign nationals, or stateless persons residing in China
shall, when emigrating from the country, be permitted by the Customs to
carry out of China gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals and
objects made from them within the limit as prescribed by the state.
Article 8
The carrying or sending out of China in person, or by others, or by post
of Renminbi cheques, drafts, passbooks and deposit certificates and other
Renminbi payment instruments held by Chinese, or foreign nationals, or
stateless persons residing in the country is not permitted.
Article 9
Unless otherwise approved by the State General Administration of Exchange
Control or its branch offices, it is not permitted to carry or send out of
China in person, or by others, or by post, documents and securities held
by Chinese residing in the country, such as foreign bonds, debentures,
shares and title deeds; certification and agreements relating to the
settlement of creditor's rights, inheritances, real estate and other
foreign exchange assets abroad; and letters and instruments containing
instructions of payment abroad.
Article 10
Where foreign enterprises which have terminated their business in China
and foreign nationals who have left China wish to carry out of China
foreign securities kept in the country, they shall be permitted to do so
by the Customs on the approval of the State General Administration of
Exchange Control or its branch offices, but it is not permitted to carry
out of the country Chinese securities and shares whether in person, or by
others, or by post.
Article 11
Where bilateral agreements have been signed between China and foreign
countries on the carrying of currencies into and out of each other's
boundary, matters will be handled in accordance with the provisions
Article 12
These rules shall also apply where foreign exchange, payment instruments
in convertible Renminbi, gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals
and objects made from them are carried into or out of China by compatriots
from Hongkong and Macao.
Article 13
These rules are promulgated by the State General Administration of
Exchange Control.
